
Estate Agent: Choosing The Best To Market Your Home

So you’re thinking of selling your home?

Or maybe you’re a landlord selling your portfolio? No matter what, you will want the best estate agent in your area.
But with so many agents around, how do you choose who to go with? Picking the right estate agent can be difficult, so let us help you out.


Before you go ahead with an estate agent, you need to fact find. You will more than likely ask them to come and carry out an appraisal of your property. When they attend, this is the best time to ask your questions.
One of your main questions should be about advertising. Check out their website and the portals they use. Furthermore, you will probably want your property marketed on as many platforms as possible. Do they use Rightmove and On the Market? Do they use Zoopla? Moreover, they might advertise in the local newspaper or on social media.
If you’re happy for a sale board outside of your property, check they can provide one. Furthermore, this way passers-by know you are selling.

Estate Agent Pricings

The valuation of your home and the price it’s going to cost you to sell is one of the main factors to consider.
Most agents have a selling fee of around 1% + VAT. However, you might find an agent who can offer you a better deal or who are offering a discount.
Moreover, the valuation they provide you with needs to be broken down. Ask the agent what they have sold recently and if anything similar to your property has been on the market. Furthermore, ask how long they think it will take for your property to be snapped up.
A positive yet honest agent is better than someone willing to beg for your business.

Estate Agent Recommendations

Estate agent recommendations is a two-sided coin. On the one side, we are referring to whether the estate agent is highly recommended by others.
Have a look on Google for some reviews but bear in mind that not everyone who has a good experience will leave a review. Moreover, they are worth looking at – but maybe take with a pinch of salt.
The other side of the coin is what does the estate agent recommend? Ask the estate agent what will enhance the price of your home or the likelihood of selling quickly.
Estate agents sell hundreds of properties in your area every year. They know the market and they know what buyers are looking for. Furthermore, they will know how to sell your home if they are reputable and experienced.


Selling your home is a massive decision. Choosing a trustworthy estate agent is crucial as you need to be able to rely on them throughout the process. Make sure you complete your research and ask any questions before signing on the dotted line.

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