
Challenges In The Garden

Gardening is often considered therapeutic and relaxing. However, sometimes things don’t go to plan. Weeds, wilting plants and pests and pets can prevent your garden from looking its best.

Garden Weeds

A gardener’s bugbear is usually weeds. Weeds are relentless and can take over plant pots, flower beds, cracks in the pavement, the whole garden. 

If you stay on top of them, and de-weed regularly, they won’t become a problem further down the line. The sooner you remove the weed, the less chance they have of spreading – as, like most plants, the sun and rain help them to grow.

Spraying vinegar or pouring boiling water on weeds can stop them from growing but may also damage surrounding plants. 

Wilting Plants

Overwatering your plants can damage the roots. Underwatering them can cause wilting. Each plant needs a different amount of water too. So finding the optimal amount of water for each plant can be difficult. 

When you’re in the garden, check the soil to see if it’s moist or dry. Ensure that the plants are watered if the soil feels too dry. 

Similar to watering the plants, they also need sunlight. Too much can dry the plants out, whereas too little can prevent growth. 

Garden Pests And Pets

Another bugbear of gardeners is pests. Slugs, snails, worms and ants are the main culprits in the garden. Flies, bees and wasps can also be a nuisance for your plants – but are usually more beneficial. 

Soapy water or insect repellent can help to keep the pests at bay. Some plants are also insect-repelling too, so do your research. 

If you live near the countryside, you may find that your garden becomes home to rabbits, deers and other wild animals. Fencing is usually the best and safest way to keep the animals out of your garden.

Birds love gardens. They enjoy eating the seeds and plants, so be wary of their intentions when they swoop into your garden. 

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